Munirka, Delhi Incident - Joint Press Statement

Joint Press Statement
SSPP JHQ Delhi and KSO Delhi & NCR
Saturday 27th May 2017

The Siamsinpawlpi (SSPP JHQ, Delhi) and the Kuki Students Organisation (KSO Delhi & NCR) is deeply saddened by the violence that occurred at Munirka, New Delhi on 24th May 2017 and the unneccessary tension that happened in its aftermath.

In this regard, a joint meeting of the two students' organisation was held on 27th May 2017. The meeting unanimously condemned the act of violence and the numerous rumors being spread in social media in the strongest terms. The meeting reiterated that violence cannot and should not be given communal color and the brotherly relation of the two brethren communities cannot be impaired by such lumpen elements.

The two organizations reiterate that they will henceforth treat such mindless violence as individual issue and will not interfere as a body. Any individual or groups trying to indulge in retalliatory violence in any form will be solely responsible for their actions. It was also agreed that both organizations will spread this message to their respective members and urge all people staying in Delhi and elsewhere to eschew violence in all its forms and instead exhibit the best traditions of their brotherly cultures for peaceful coexsitence. It also requests everyone using social media to desist from spreading inflammatory messages, pictures and videos.

The two organizations will coordinate closely and jointly visit the injured  and look after their welfare.

We are unau. Let the spirit of brotherhood and solidarity spread!

L. Khammuanlal
President, Siamsinpawlpi JHQ, Delhi

Thangrijoy Baite
President, Kuki Student Organisation Delhi & NCR

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