ZYA Delhi Condolence Message for Pu T.Gougin

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(Regd. No. 40/1999 under Society Act XXI of 1860)

B-209, Nanakpura, New Delhi – 110 021

June 5, 2012

“Strive not my soul for an immortal life, but make the most of which is possible”

Pu T Gougin (87), Founder President of Zomi National Congress (ZNC) in India and a pioneer of Zomi re-unification movement, headed for the eternal Home today. While his death extinguished the light to some near and dear ones, his life accomplished the dawn of nationalism among many Zomis. Where there is sorrow, there is holy ground.

With a humble beginning from a tiny hamlet, Sumtuh Village in Churachandpur District of Manipur, he climbed up the ladder of greatness by dint of hardwork and strong determination. Besides political contribution to Zomis, he also contributed for literature upliftment by authoring30 books.

We, the Zomi Youth Association (ZYA), Delhi Region aver our feeling of great loss in his demise and pray that the Almighty God may comfort his family and relatives in this hour of sorrow. We wish that his mission of re-uniting Zomis may continue to grow in the days to come.

“Life is a dream walking, death is a going Home”

Issued by:
Information and Publicity
Zomi Youth Association, Delhi Region


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